Member Service Is Our Top Priority

We offer several options for adding value to your savings balances. We offer Six and Twelve month Certificates of Deposit, Individual Retirement Accounts, Christmas Club Accounts, and General Share Accounts (passbook savings).
Six Month Certificate of Deposit: The minimum balance required to open a six-month certificate is $200. Dividends accrue daily and are credited to your account at maturity. Some restrictions and terms may apply; call for more details. There is a penalty for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.
Twelve Month Certificate of Deposit: The minimum balance required to open a twelve-month certificate is $200. Dividends accrue daily and are credited to your account quarterly. Some restrictions and terms may apply; call for more details. There is a penalty for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.
Twelve Month IRA Shares: We offer Roth, Traditional, and Education IRA’s. As with all IRA accounts, our IRA shares offer either tax deferred, or tax free benefits. Consult your tax advisor for the options that fit your financial planning the best. There is no minimum balance required to open your IRA. Weekly deposits through payroll deductions are common. Dividends accrue daily and are credited to your account quarterly. Some restrictions and terms may apply; call for more details. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.
General Shares (Passbook Savings): In order to become a member of any credit union, one must first open a general share account. (See Membership for requirements to join Leadco Community Credit Union.) The minimum balance required to open this account is $25. Dividends accrue daily and are credited to your account quarterly. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time, as determined by the credit union board of directors. Some restrictions and terms may apply; call for more details. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.
Christmas Club Accounts: Our Christmas share account has no minimum balance requirement and no withdrawal window. Withdrawals can be made throughout the year; however, funds in the account will be deposited into your savings account on September 30th each year. Dividends accrue daily and are credited to your account quarterly. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time, as determined by the credit union board of directors. Some restrictions and terms may apply; call for more details. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.
Our Branch Locations
Park Hills Location
Leadco Community Credit Union
820 East Main Street
Park Hills, MO 63601
Ph: (573) 431-1882
Toll Free: (866) 590-9998
Fax: (573) 431-1715
E-mail us at
Farmington Location
Leadco Community Credit Union
551 East Karsch Blvd
Farmington, MO 63640
Ph: (573) 747-1882
Fax: (573) 747-0549
E-mail us at
Audio Teller Line: (800) 345-2339
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Leadco Community Credit Union – 820 E. Main Street, Park Hills, MO – 551 E. Karsch Blvd., Farmington, MO
Phone Toll Free: (866) 590-9998