Skip A Payment
Member Service Is Our Top Priority

Skip A Payment
Budgets can get stretched with vacations, back to school expenses, Christmas, property taxes and on and on. If things get tight give yourself a break with Skip A Payment. For only $25 you can skip your next monthly payment. Restrictions do apply, “Skip-A-Payment Details” below for complete details.
Skip-A-Payment Details
Review the following terms to determine whether or not your Leadco Community Credit Union loan* qualifies. If your loan qualifies, please complete the application and return to Leadco Community Credit Union. Application and payment must be received 5 days prior to loan due date you wish to skip.
When we have approved the Skip-A-Payment option, we will skip the next monthly payment due on your loan if payment is due monthly; two payments if payment is due semi-monthly or bi-weekly; and four payments if due weekly.
*Please note that loans newer than 6 months DO NOT qualify for this promotion. All accounts with the credit union must be in good standing. All loan payments must be paid on time for the prior six months to the requested skip date. Leadco has the right to accept or deny Skip-A-Payment requests at our discretion.
* It must be complete, including any co-borrower’s signature if applicable. Incomplete applications will be returned. Click here to print a Skip a Payment application.
Multiple Loans*
You may copy the application if you would like to Skip-A-Payment on more than one qualified Leadco loan.
* There is a $25 fee for each qualified Skip-A-Payment. The fee may be withdrawn from your Leadco account, paid by
cash, or by check made payable to Leadco Community CU. Please do not mail cash.
* If your request is not approved we will credit your savings account $25, or we will not deduct the fee from your account (if you requested we do so).
Payment Information
* Payroll deduction/direct deposit – Amount of loan payment will remain in your Leadco savings or checking account.
* Monthly transfer from Leadco savings/checking – Your automatic payment will not be transferred to your loan on the
skipped month; your payment will remain in your Leadco savings or checking account and will be available for withdrawal.
* Electronic withdraw from another financial institution – Your payment will not be withdrawn from the other institution for the month skipped.
* Members can only skip the current payment due. Example: If you want to skip January’s payment, you must wait until the December payment has been made.
* One Skip-A-Payment option per loan is permitted per calendar year and must have at least 11 monthly payments made between skip requests on the same loan.
* Skip-A-Payment option may be used a maximum of 4 times during the life of the loan.
* If you have an auto loan with GAP Insurance, you may only use the Skip-A-Payment option 2 times within the life of
the loan without affecting the GAP payout at total loss.
Final Payment Date*
It will be extended to allow you to pay your skipped payment at the end of your loan. Please note that interest will continue to accrue at your normal contract rate on your unpaid loan balance during the skipped period but you will not owe a late charge for skipping your payment. In addition, all other terms & conditions of your loan will remain the same.
* If you previously elected credit life and/or disability insurance, the insurance coverage will not be extended beyond the original maturity date.
Our Branch Locations
Park Hills Location
Leadco Community Credit Union
820 East Main Street
Park Hills, MO 63601
Ph: (573) 431-1882
Toll Free: (866) 590-9998
Fax: (573) 431-1715
E-mail us at
Farmington Location
Leadco Community Credit Union
551 East Karsch Blvd
Farmington, MO 63640
Ph: (573) 747-1882
Fax: (573) 747-0549
E-mail us at
Audio Teller Line: (800) 345-2339
Unauthorized access or use of this web site is a violation of law and may lead to prosecution.
Leadco Community Credit Union – 820 E. Main Street, Park Hills, MO – 551 E. Karsch Blvd., Farmington, MO
Phone Toll Free: (866) 590-9998